Options: Custom List

In Custom List in the Custom List tab of the Options dialog box, repeated data sets like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... and Jan, Feb, Mar... are specified.

You can add data not specified in Custom List and use AutoFill in a sheet.


To create custom series

  1. Click File > Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, select the Custom List tab.
  3. Select (New) from the Custom List, type Entry-Level Employee, Assistant Manager, Manager, General Manager, and President in the List Item edit box, and click Add.
    You can press ENTER instead of using ",".
  4. When the new item is displayed on the Custom List, click OK.
  5. Type Entry-Level Employee in a cell of a worksheet.
  6. Select the Entry-Level Employee cell and drag the pointer in any direction to use AutoFill.
  7. The selected area will be filled with Entry-Level Employee, Assistant Manager, Manager, General Manager, and President in this order.

To delete custom series

  1. Click File > Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, select the Custom List tab.
  3. Select a series to delete from the Custom List.
  4. When the Delete button is activated, click it.
  5. When the data is no longer displayed on the list, click Set.

More Information

Custom List Tab of Options Dialog Box

Custom List

Repeated data sets are specified. You can add series you want or delete added series.

List Item

Select (New) from the Custom List and type series you need in the List Item edit box.

When typing data, use the symbol ";" or press ENTER to separate them.

Select List Import Range

Select a series entered in the worksheet to add them to the AutoFill list.

If you specify area of the data you want to add to the list and click Import, the data in the area will be added to the Custom List. If an empty cell is included in the selected area, it will be ignored when the data get added.


Default Series Cannot be Deleted

When you delete series from the Custom List, you cannot delete default lists provided in Cell.

No Empty Cell

When importing data from a worksheet, empty cells will be ignored and only the data in the selected area will be imported.

See Also