Envelope Options

Adjust the envelope size, the recipient address, and the spacing for the return address, and set the fonts.


To change envelope options

  1. See To create an envelope template for bulk mailings to make an envelope template.
  2. Make sure that the Envelopes tab is selected in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box that appears when you click Mailings > Envelopes, and then click Options.
  3. When the Envelope Options dialog box appears, select the envelope type from the Envelope size > Type list.
  4. Click Font under Delivery address.
  5. In the Delivery Address dialog box, specify font, character spacing or properties as you want and click OK.
  6. In the Envelope Options dialog box, under Delivery address, enter the value you want in the From left or From top edit box, and then click OK.
  7. Make sure that Delivery address is set as you want, and repeat the previous steps for Return address as necessary.

More Information

Envelope Options Dialog Box

Envelope size

Delivery address

Specify options for the recipient’s address.

Return address

Specify options for the sender’s address.

See Also