Send Email Messages

Merge the letters and send emails. Use this when send emails and you do not need to print the document.


To merge letters and print

  1. See Merge mails into a new document and print, or send an email messages to prepare a document to send as email.
  2. Click Mailings > Finish and Merge > Send Email Messages.
  3. When the Send Email Messages dialog box appears, select the field in the data source that corresponds to To under Message options.
  4. Under Send records, specify the range of records to which you want to send the email and click OK.
  5. Check the “Outbox” or else in the email client if the email was sent successfully.

More Information

Send Email Messages Dialog Box

Message options

Specify options for email messages.

Send records

Specify the record range to merge and include.


Default mail client installation is required

This feature is not available, if the default mail program is not properly installed in your system.

See Also